Using AI to Drive Service Improvements
Speaker - Anne Morawski
October 27, 2022
Experience Dialogue
In these interactions, we pick a hard topic that doesn’t really have a straightforward answer. We then bring in speakers who have been there, seen this but approached it in very different ways.
Introduction to the topic
Companies looking at implementing IoT on edge devices, digital twin,s and data lakes. All of this needs heavy investment and time. Our speaker will be taking us through a framework on how to introduce data science to improve service operations including how to identify proof of concept projects. She will be sharing a practical example of how she and her team used Ascendo’s AI-driven data insights to drive improvements to service processes at a large medical device organization.
AI-based solutions.
Use of Data Science to improve service operation.
AI-driven data insight to drive improvement of the service process.
We are going to bring many more informative points, to learn more Join Ascendo AI for this Experience Dialogue on Using AI to drive service improvements. We bring such interesting discussions that will gain an insight into how Anne Morawski, Global Medical Device Leader, manages it.
At the end of each dialogue, we want you and our audience to leave with valuable insights and approaches that you can try at your workplace - and continue the discourse in our social media channels!
Introduction to the speakers
Anne is a collaborative global medical device leader with in-depth experience in the medical device industry in diverse functions, including R&D, organizational strategy, program management, sales and marketing, and field service/operations.
She has led teams at Fortune 500 medical device companies such as Philips and Baxter in various capacities but has focused on global field service strategy in her two most recent positions.
Prior to this, she focused on leading sales and marketing activities including clinical support strategies for imaging equipment. With her Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Washington University and her experience in the medical device.